New York Social Diary features Layne Lieberman, RD & AHA


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New York Social Diary features Layne Lieberman, RD and Author of Beyond The Mediterranean Diet in Collaboration with the American Heart Association

This past week, Paola Bacchini Rosenshein hosted two cocktail parties,with the theme “Educate While You Socialize.” While sipping on green tea and champagne and catching up on holiday business, guests were treated to nutritionist Layne Lieberman’s presentation of “How to be heart healthy, how to stay heart healthy,” and cardiologist Dr. Holly Anderson’s presentation of “How to recognize the signs and symptoms of the #1 killer of both American men and women.”

This is the first of a series of events Paola plans to host to help educate her friends, so no one will have to go through what her husband Arnie did 10 years ago. Arnie is a heart disease survivor and will be speaking about his experience at the Heart of the Hamptons Ball in Bridgehampton on June 28, 2014. 

LayneSpeechBookSigning1Layne talks about her book Beyond The Mediterranean Diet and answers questions about diet and heart-health.